Advanced Imaging, Diagnostics & Treatments

Digital Ultrasound
Ultrasound is a useful way of examining many of the body’s internal organs; including the heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines, blood vessels, uterus, bladder, and ovaries. Also used to view joints, tendons and muscle groups for lameness issues. Because ultrasound images are captured in real-time, they can show movement of internal tissues and organs. This enables your health care team to see the dynamic functions of the area imaged. Ultrasound is a quick, safe and painless examination.
Digital ultrasound is the latest generation of ultrasound equipment. It is more reliable, easier to use and provides better images than the older analog ultrasound equipment. Another benefit is the digital recordings produced, which become a part of your computerized medical records.
An instrument used to look inside the body. During this type of exam, the instrument is placed into a natural opening and the cavity examined.
Fiber optic endoscope is the currently the portable endoscope most commonly used for horses. This type of endoscope is a waterproof rubber tube with a bundle of optical fibers inside. A connected light source creates a bright light that travels along the fibers to illuminate the specific area of the horse, and the light is then carried back along the fiber bundles to the eyepiece through which the doctor examines the horse. One person can view the images at a time.
Video endoscopes is a more sophisticated endoscope with a microchip video camera at the tip. This camera captures the images that can then be viewed on a television monitor. This type of endoscope provides a brighter and crisper image that several people can see at one time. This videos can also be recorded and saved for future viewing.
Equinosis® Q With Lameness Locator®
This platform is a handheld system that works in real-time to help us measure a horse’s lameness with sensors in a non-surgical, non-invasive manner.
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment
A process where blood is taken from the horse. The platelets are concentrated into an injection and the platelets are placed into the injured area to allow the body to heal faster and stronger.
Stem Cell Therapy
A process where stem cells are taken from dental pulp origin and injected into the horse to assist in healing of an injury. Common places where stem cells are injected are in joints, tendons, muscles, and a treatment for laminitis.
IRAP Treatment
Interleukin Receptor Antagonists Protein (IRAP) treatments decrease inflammation in the area affected by the injury. This treatment should be considered for joints, tendons and ligaments.